The 2025 MRLPOA dues are $360 and were to be paid by January 31, 2025.
If you have not paid your dues, please make checks payable to the Mountain Rest Lake Property Owners Association.
Send to:
Mountain Rest P.O.A.
P.O. Box 54
Mountain Rest, SC 29664
The 2024 MRLPOA Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, May 4, 2024 as planned. Topics included the annual budget and voting in two new board members. Congratulations to Beth B. and Steve W. on being new MRLPOA Board members.
The Board has agreed that its time once again to lower the lake level for maintenance and weed control. As has been done in the past, the lowering will begin around New Years and the valve closed again before spring. If you need to make changes to your dock, please send pertinent information to the Board for the necessary approval.
The 2023 MRLPOA Annual Meeting occurred on May 6, 2023. Topics included the budget, dues and fish stocking. In case you missed it, the Members unanimously voted to raise annual dues by $70. Dues are now $360/yr. and due each January as usual.
The fish and water quality report has been completed and the Board has shared that via an email on July 8, 2022 to our Members. Below are the most up-to-date rules on fishing based on the recommendations of the report.
FISHING RULES - Updated 07/25/2022
Due to an imbalance of the bass to bluegill population, the bass measuring 12 inches or less are now catch and keep. The bream species which makes up sunfish, bluegill, shellcrackers and other 'panfish' continue to be catch and release only. The carp are not to be targeted when fishing however in the unlikely event one was to be caught they are catch and release only. You are encouraged to legally target and keep the catfish. Bass over 12 inches in length are catch and release only. Fishing is only allowed by members and those property owners with deeded rights.
History on the Carp that were added to the lake:
Carp were added to the lakes the week of May 18th, 2015. 25 were placed in the small lake and 75 in the large lake. They were 8-10" long at that time. Today, there are several carp that have reached as much as 36" in length. Carp are not to be targeted or removed from the lake as they eat the grass. Fishing is only allowed by members and those property owners with deeded rights.
Thank you to all for the great turn-out at the 2022 Annual Meeting. The Board appreciates the feedback on what Members are interested in moving forward. Thanks to Barbie for her service to the community by serving on the Board as Treasurer for a number of years too. Shellie S. now joins the Board and we all look forward to her ideas she will bring to the Board.
UPDATE 10/18/2021:
Good News to report! As of about noon today, the drain pipe replacement project was substantially complete and the valve was closed! Thank you to our contractor for their late nights over the last couple of days in making great strides in getting this pipe replacement complete. Thanks of course to all our POA Members for paying the assessment on time and also to the non-members that sent in a donation to the POA to assist with the repair costs.
UPDATE 9/27/2021:
The assessment has been passed by an overwhelming majority and many of our members have sent in their assessment fee. Thank you to those that have sent those checks in. If you have not paid your assessment, please do so by October 15, 2021. Thank you to the non-members that have sent in donations to help to offset the repairs costs too. As soon as we have more information on the timing of the repairs it will be shared.
LAKE UPDATE 9/8/2021:
The Board has met and has agreed on a contractor for the repairs to the drain pipe. There is a notable cost for the repairs and as a result the board has a special assessment will have to made to the members. As required by the MRLPOA bylaws, members shall vote on the assessment. A ballot will be sent out in the USPS mail in the next few days to all Members in good standing. Please return your ballot as soon as possible so that the board can hopefully move forward contracting for the repairs. If you are not a member of the association but have use of the lake, we will be asking that you consider donating to the MRLPOA to help with the costs.
The lowering of the lake level has about reached the lowest that its going to get until the repairs begin. We have received one repair proposal and await a second the week of 8/16/2021. Once reviewed by the repair committee a recommendation will be made to the board.
While the lake level continues to lower, the Board and the ad hoc repairs committee are working with and awaiting repair proposals. We hope to know more in the next week or so.
It was discovered that just before the July 4th holiday weekend the lake level was lowering a number of inches a day and continues to do so. The Board responded to the obvious lowering lake level concerns and immediately met and reached out for professional help. Shortly after, a diver and contractor from the area that specializes in this type of work came to inspect the valve and the associated drain pipe for the potential problem. For safety reasons, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with a live feed camera was used to inspect the valve and the drain pipe.
The result of the inspection has determined that there appears to be a hole in the side and underside of the drain pipe that is allowing the lake water to drain.
The hope was of course that there could be a temporary fix that could get us to the cooler months of the year, but given the nature of the hole's size and location that is just not practical.
As a result, the lake will continue to lower over the next several weeks so that the required further detailed inspection and subsequent repair work can be performed.
In the meantime, the board is awaiting the contractor's proposal for the repair costs and a more definitive time frame.
As more information is known on costs and timing it will be shared with the members. We realize that this is extremely disappointing news to everyone, but know that the Board will continue to act diligently and responsibly on this unfortunate situation.
FYI: The order for the carp that were to be added to the lake(s) has been cancelled for obvious reasons.
The annual members meeting took place on May 1st, 2021 as scheduled. The board discussed the budget, lake and related issues, addressed member issues, concerns, and other member and non-member business. Roxanne was re-elected to the board and Kevin Snow is now serving on the board. The Board wants to thank Norm Hunt for his work and the time he has given to the board and the community over the last three years.
Any maintenance work on your dock requires approval from the board per the Dock and Seawall Guidelines. Please send the required information per the guidelines to the board with the work that you plan on performing. Send directly to a board member or use the Contact Us page.
As a result of limited space available along the shoreline for new docks and the possibility of multiple requests for new docks, the board has placed a 90 day moratorium effective 8/25/2020 on accepting any applications for the construction of any privately owned docks. The dock moratorium to restrict the building of new docks will remain in place indefinitely. No new private dock will be approved without prior written proof of the right in a properties deed or written correspondence grating such permission previously. If you have more questions on this, please contact a board member.
As everyone is aware, the 2020 annual meeting was postponed as a result of the Corona Virus and required social distancing. The annual meeting was held July 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm. Due to the continuing presence of the Corona Virus our annual meeting was a virtual online meeting with the option for calling in on the telephone. Voting of new board members occurred using a mail-in ballot. Patrick Hallahan and Myra Blackmon were elected to the board.
If you have an immediate need or question, please reach out to a board member directly through email or a phone call. See the board for contact info.
On Friday, March 20, 2020 the refurbished drain valve was successfully re-installed and the lake began re- filling. As of April 21, 2020 or close to this date, the lake reached full-pool.
Update 12/17/2019:
Over the last few weeks, there has been much progress made on the valve to the pipe that drains the lake down. It looks like a new valve has been located. The next steps are to confirm that it is going to be suitable, get the valve ordered, have it fabricated to the needs of our lake, get it shipped and installed. Stay tuned to emails from the board for more information soon.
Update 10/16/2019:
Over the last 2-3 weeks, residents of Mountain Rest Lake realized that the level of the lake had dropped very quickly. At first, everyone thought the lower water levels were a result of the recent drought. Then we realized that the level seemed to be dropping unusually fast. After a closer inspection this weekend, we realized that we have a problem related to the pipe and valve, which controls the water flow out of the lake. We have been in contact with DHEC and our engineer, Howard, to get their input. In order to determine the true extent of the problem, we will need to lower the lake to clearly visualize the valve and the associated piping. We understand that everyone is concerned, and we will keep you informed as we get more information. We have anticipated that the valve would need to be changed, since this is the original valve which was placed in the lake almost 60 years ago. Our board has anticipated this financial expense and shared this expected expenditure with residents at the last annual meeting. We understand that everyone will want to know how this might affect property dues. Unfortunately, we do not have all the information at this point. We are gathering information and as soon as we know the specifics on the condition of the valve and pipes and the anticipated costs of repairs, we will make this available to everyone.
We are fortunate that this problem has occurred at the end of the summer. Lowering the lake was not scheduled for this fall, but it is crucial that we address the problem now. Please help us by removing your boat or any other item that may be adversely affected by the lowering of the water levels.
Please be rest assured that we will share all information with you as it becomes available.
If you have further questions, please reach out to a board member.
As planned, 83 Asian grass carp were added to the lake. Triploid Grass Carp were added to both lakes on May 21st, 2019 by Aquatic Management Services. AMS is licensed through the state by the DNR. Triploid carp are sterile and cannot reproduce due to an extra set of chromosomes bred into them. They are approx. 12" long and are expected to eat a large variety of grasses and weeds found in our lake. The do not eat other fish or bugs, just grasses such as pondweed, elodea, coontail nadia, duckweed, watermeal, chara/muskgrass and many more. The last time grass carp were added to the lake was back in May of 2015. Some of these older carp can still be seen near the surface on a sunny day in the shallow parts of the lake. Please remember, the carp are not to be targeted or removed from the lake.
The annual members meeting took place on May 4th, 2019. The board discussed the budget, lake and related issues, addressed member issues, concerns, and other member and non-member business. In addition two new board members were voted upon.
If you have any specific questions about the meeting, please contact a board member or Donna the board's secretary. Donna's contact information can be found here.
Approval is required from the board prior to any construction activity (maintenance and modifications included) on docks and seawalls. The board asks that you submit your drawing in writing to them for new construction as well as modifications to current docks or walls. See the link below to the regulations.
History on the Carp that were added to the lake:
Carp were added to the lakes the week of May 18th, 2015. 25 were placed in the small lake and 75 in the large lake. They were 8-10" long at that time. Today, there are several carp that have reached as much as 36" in length. Carp are not to be targeted or removed from the lake as they eat the grass. Fishing is only allowed by members and those property owners with deeded rights.
State law requires that you notify the Forestry Commission prior to burning outdoors. In most cases, the law applies to burning leaves, limbs and branches that you clean up from your yard. The notification law does not apply within town or city limits.
The toll-free numbers below allow you a quick, easy way to make your yard debris burning notification. Just dial the appropriate number, listen to the message, and leave your name, address and phone number.
The law requires that you clear a firebreak around the burning site and have the right equipment available to keep the fire under control. You must also stay with the fire until it is completely safe.
In addition to state laws regulating outdoor burning, there may be other local ordinances. Be sure to check on this before burning.
In Oconee County Call: 1-800-705-8618
The Mountain Rest Volunteer Fire Department is providing free smoke detectors and installation in your home. Some detectors are proven life saving devices. If you, a friend, or family member needs one please let the fire department know. The Mountain Rest Volunteer Fire Department can be reached at 864-638-8220.
The Mountain Rest Lake Community Wildfire Protection Plan has been completed. This plan was completed by the SC Forestry Commission and Clemson Univ. Extension. The purpose of the plan is to assess the danger from wildland fire to communities within SC.
Copyright © 2025 Mountain Rest Lake Property Owners Association - All Rights Reserved.